
To Have or To Hold...

To Have or To Hold... Objects

To Hold...

To Hold... Objects



Devices for Filling a Void Glass

Devices for Filling a Void

But if the Crime is Beautiful... Tending the Garden

But if the Crime is Beautiful... Strangers to the Garden

But if the Crime is Beautiful... Museum of Arts and Design

But if the Crime is Beautiful... Gallery Installations

But if the Crime is Beautiful... Composition with Ornament and Object

But if the Crime is Beautiful... Hoods

But if the Crime is Beautiful... Altared

But if the Crime is Beautiful... Monstrance

But if the Crime is Beautiful... Relics

Icons of the Flesh

Ex Votos

Virus Simulation


Blooms, Efflorescence, and Other Dermatological Embellishments


Hard Wear

Certainly Red


Pursed and Puckered

Dress Up Dress Down

Corpus Figure Skate
Pipe Gut